MCS with AI.

Summer 2008.

I had brought friends along to quite a few excursions in Nova Scotia, but never that many in the D. I don't really like publicizing what I do; so therefore I never invite anyone and they only end up coming along if they express interest.

AI had asked me quite a long time ago to be brought over the bridge. I ran out of time before leaving for Nova Scotia, but now that I was back and AI had a week of vacation, it was time.

It was funny surprising AI with the train station entrance and also gratifying to see how much he enjoyed the experience. I thought he was going to drop more architectural knowledge on me...but that just didn't happen.

We moved slowly through the first 3 floors as usual, then quickly moved through all the identical floors to the roof.

Although showing a friend around is good fun - I always like to do something new whenever I pay those costly tolls. I had always just looked at the top of the MCS smokestack and then left well enough alone.

But then came along a picture that one of my fellow photogs, by the name of Red, had taken. It was a picture of a group upon the roof of the MCS from the top of the smokestack ladder. Ever since seeing that picture, I wanted to climb that scary ladder on the outside of the smokestack to get the same view.

The ladder was intimidating.

Although it is about 5 feet from the edge of the building, it's still not a breeze.

AI photo.

I started climbing and initially was going to settle on going halfway; but then I looked up and there were only 10 more steps...why be soft? Why not go the whole way up?

The wind was increasing with every upward movement. My hands and legs were becoming like jelly and shaking fairly violently. My heart raced. It reminded me of the moment that you decide to go for something on a bike...except it wasn't a moment, it was 2 straight minutes of that feeling!

All the people that regularly climb stuff and tempt heights are laughing their behinds off right now.

I could care less though because it was quite challenging to me & completely rewarding to get a great view of the D skyline.

Nothing like holding onto a ladder 200 feet above the ground with one hand while trying to get your camera out of your pocket with the other.

I took three pictures - the skyline one, one of the lot next door, and this one of Andy and the front facade...and then quickly got the heck down from there.

I reached the ground and I felt incredible. Haven't felt that alive in a long minute.

Now I just need to do a water tower.
